Review Article

The role of public–private partnership in achieving local government sustainable development

Kutu S. Ramolobe, Unathi Khandanisa
Africa’s Public Service Delivery & Performance Review | Vol 12, No 1 | a816 | DOI: | © 2024 Kutu S. Ramolobe, Unathi Khandanisa | This work is licensed under CC Attribution 4.0
Submitted: 07 November 2023 | Published: 14 June 2024

About the author(s)

Kutu S. Ramolobe, Department of Public Management and Leadership, Faculty of Humanities, Nelson Mandela University, Gqebhera, South Africa
Unathi Khandanisa, Department of Public Management and Leadership, Faculty of Humanities, Nelson Mandela University, Gqebhera, South Africa


Background: Public–private partnerships (PPPs) have emerged as a new form of supply in an effort to improve the standard and value for finances of infrastructure as well as government services. However, the implementation of the Skills Development Goals through PPPs is hampered by a number of issues, including political and regulatory risks, a lack of capacity and expertise and dearth of trust and partnership.

Aim: The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of PPPs in achieving local government sustainable development.

Setting: The setting of this article is in the local government municipalities.

Methods: Qualitative research methods are employed for this study, primarily through the application of desktop research as well as secondary data analysis. The research critically reviewed studies, literature and online information between 2010 and 2023. The study used Google Scholar, ISI, ProQuest and Scopus search engines to locate these studies using key words such as PPPs, sustainable development goals (SDGs) and local government.

Results: The findings of the study show that PPPs have been identified as a potential tool for achieving local government sustainable development. However, a major obstacle to the successful implementation of PPPs is the lack of trust and cooperation between public and private players.

Conclusion: The study concludes that PPPs have the potential for SDGs but require trust and cooperation for successful implementation.

Contribution: This article focused on providing an overview of how PPPs might assist local governments in meeting their goals for sustainable development.


public private partnerships; local governments; sustainable developmental goals; service delivery; collaboration.

JEL Codes

H76: State and Local Government: Other Expenditure Categories; O18: Urban, Rural, Regional, and Transportation Analysis • Housing • Infrastructure; Q01: Sustainable Development

Sustainable Development Goal

Goal 11: Sustainable cities and communities


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